How to Help Picky Eating


I have had several families in my breastfeeding classes lately who want to breastfeed a second baby because it didn't work with the first, and they had a terribly picky eater on their hands. Although we know this research doesn't apply in all cases, it is evidence based that breastfeeding increases the variety of foods that older babies and toddlers will be interested in and enjoy.

I am also happy to report that the vast majority of second time moms who want to breastfeed are usually able to! We see this with many of our doula clients as well as students in class.

New baby + new experience = breastfeeding success!

Often moms realize it was never them, but the baby that had trouble with breastfeeding, and the second baby was completely different! We love helping these families achieve their breastfeeding goals as postpartum doulas, and caring for them while they adjust in all aspects to bringing home a new baby.

Call a doula.

Get breastfeeding support from the hospital or an IBCLC at home.
Snuggle your baby skin to skin, and let others care for you while you bond and recover.