Doing all the work by yourself?

shout out to new parents abc doula.png

We are hearing from parents who don't have any other support in place during this strange spring and summer. They are doing it all, and asking us how to be better partners, how to support each other, and how to support their new baby.

If you are doing this alone, we offer private virtual classes, as well as in-home service (for low risk situations) and also gentle sleep consults and support for parents who are struggling with their baby. And as usual, overnight care so parents can catch up on sleep and make memories with their new baby and partner.

This newborn stuff is HARD. Trying to recover from birth or sleep disruptions can wreak havoc on a relationship and mental health. Babies are awesome. We can't get enough of them--but the catch is the work that they require. We are here to help. Either to provide some care and give parents a break, or giving parents some insider tips to help.