ABC Doula & Newborn Care

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Wish you had a doula on speed dial for the middle of the night?

We miss working overnights during "Shelter in Place". We miss supporting parents at a vulnerable time, when the world seems asleep and parents feel very much alone.

So we offer you 3 am virtual visits. Yes, you can call your doula in the middle of the night. No, you don't have to plan ahead, because who knows when things are going to be challenging? Prearrange for the service so we can be ready for you, yes. Schedule it? Not needed.

We can walk you through soothing your crying baby. We can troubleshoot breastfeeding and suggest positions or help you through a difficult session--or when you want to give up (we have been there). We can keep you company when you feel very scared and isolated, or when the scary thoughts start to push through.

We know your partner sometimes has to sleep in order to help you during the day, and also might need to work from home the next day, or maybe you are doing this on your own. We know friends and family are great and hopefully reaching out, but few people can be called at 3 am. And even fewer can be called who know babies. Who know breastfeeding. Who know the postpartum a postpartum doula does.

How can we do this? We have adaptable sleep abilities due to being overnight doulas. We can sleep at odd times and in unusual ways to make up for waking at night. We can be clear headed moments after waking. It's our job, and we are really good at it.

So if you are missing care that you would otherwise be having, or if you wish you had an expert on speed-dial, we've got you.