You Have Options


Did you know babies could cup feed? This has been done all around the world for far longer than bottles have been an option, and can be kept clean much more easily than traditional bottles (especially in locations where clean water is scarce).

It can be tricky to learn at first, but babies are very motivated to get milk, and can eat from a spoon, a cup, a tube, or an orthodontic syringe--and I've even seen some older babies learn how to use a straw before they were willing to take a bottle. Don't underestimate a baby's ability to find a way to get milk, and a parent's ingenuity to feed and care for their baby.

Ask your postpartum doula or NCS, Lactation Educator, or visit with an IBCLC to find out other options if you would prefer an alternative to bottle feeding (or if your baby isn't having it!).