ABC Doula & Newborn Care

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Who is waiting for Doula O'Clock?

Sunday nights are very popular requests for overnight doula care. Monday mornings are often flooded with calls from families who packed a lot into their weekend and now realize that more support would make a big difference. When families lack sleep, overnight care can make huge deposits in your sleep bank, and help get you back on track. When families get behind on tasks that are truly needed, daytime support can provide them with support, instruction, a break from baby care needs, and often some perks like homemade meals, prepped snacks, and someone else to do the laundry.

We know that when Doula o'clock comes, your life will be better. You will have a trained and experienced person in your home, safely taking care of things that you can take a break from. To focus on something else. Like yourself. And sleep. Or just to stare at your baby and connect deeply...all while a magical elf (doula) takes care of you and your family.

If you want this doula magic, don't wait to reserve some. We are filling up fast for the summer, and with Covid restrictions in place, have only a few spots left to offer.