ABC Doula & Newborn Care

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Trying to find an online solution to your baby problem?

We are hearing from a lot of clients this week as things are staring to open. Whether you are at home due to restrictions or for concerns about your safety, we have support for you.

If you are experiencing a struggle with your new baby, we have doulas who can serve you in person or virtually.

If you are missing sleep and desperately need overnight support, you can get an overnight doula in your home....or you can call us at 3 am and get answers to your middle of the night questions (yes, you really can!).

If you partner is headed back to work, and you are suddenly missing their support, we can serve you. We have in person visits that can be scheduled if you are low risk and ready for help. Or we can help find you a parent's group for connection and resource suggestions (we have one you can attend too!).

If you are local to Portland, OR or Vancouver, WA, there is help and support available at