Covid 19 and Postpartum Doula Support

Last week we got a lot of calls from pregnant people about setting up doula care. The first question was, "What are you doing to keep everyone safe?"

keeping you safe abc doula.png

So the answer is... many things! First of all, we are doing everything we always have been doing. We remove our shoes upon entry. We wash our hands thoroughly. We wear fresh clothes to work each shift.

New things? We bring a mask and gloves if that is the parent's preference. We are limiting our exposures in multiple ways in our personal lives. We disclose exposures in advance. And we are limiting each family to 1 doula only.

Only our low risk doulas are available. Everyone else is staying home until the world is a safer place for them and those they love.

And we also have virtual visits! So if you want the help but aren't ready to put anyone at risk (especially in a vulnerable situation) we can still support you!