Carseat Safety


It's the easiest thing to do, I know. Leaving your sleeping baby in the car seat once you are done traveling seems fine (never wake a sleeping baby, right?) but the AAP has just come out with evidence that babies are only to be using car seats IN THE CAR. Too many deaths have been reported by using a car seat out of a car (or out of their stroller/travel system). It is also contributing to flat head syndrome--now 46.6%-- and accidents from falling.

But those are not the only reasons not to use them outside the car. For babies who are awake, they also reduce peripheral vision by over 30% --reducing their brain connections by limiting their visual input. Carseats also don't give a baby accurate vestibular input due to the rigid seat and position.
Take babies out to sleep on a flat surface, or take them out to hold, babywear, or play with them on a dynamic human body that responds to their needs. :)

This is going to take some work but we need to start looking at other positions for babies and be less afraid to take a baby out of their carseat. You can get the baby back to sleep! You can help your baby grown strong and mobile by encouraging free movement! I know it is hard but I also know it works.

This is why we make our students in class say, "CAR SEATS ARE FOR CARS." I have the smartest and most loving expectant parents and clients in the world, and they always want the best for their babies. Knowing how to help their babies stay safe and thrive helps them be more confident too.
Please help spread the word.