Tummy Time


Milestones like crawling are so exciting; when you get to see your baby doing something new on their own it is so rewarding! It affirms all the hard work you put into parenting, makes you smile, and makes you so proud of your baby's strength and abilities! But they don't get there quickly without a bit of struggle, sometimes some complaining, and even some expressions of frustration. And then, success!

It is hard not to keep babies in containers, as our lives are busy and they are more portable that way. It's hard to leave them on the floor to work things out too, as they fuss, they can roll into dangerous situations, and of course they are subject to pets and dirt/germs or other risks. But with struggle comes strength--and independence.

If we allow babies to spend time on a safe space on the floor, especially on their tummies, mobility milestones come quicker, and babies master movement far more easily than those who don't get to practice as often. And one milestone leads to another...and then they are off!

Once a baby can support their trunk with their arms (cobra-like position) their fingers open up out of their fists and they can start to do fine motor movement with their hands.
Once a baby can roll, they can choose their own sleep position (and sleep longer at night!).
Once a baby can crawl, they can explore their world, strengthen their muscles, and learn patterns for later movement such as running, jumping, and sequencing needed for learning math and language.

It all builds on tummy time. Find a safe spot. Allow some struggle. Milestones await!