Getting The Help You Need


Did you know that after the 4th trimester parents (moms especially) are better able to recognize their own anxiety or depression? Because the first 3 months are such a whirlwind, it often takes several months of having baby in your life before you are able to see yourself outside of your baby's reality. But when you look inward and still don't feel "like yourself" it might be time to take a look at your mental health and prioritize your own support.

Know someone who has a baby beyond the very early months? Ask them how they are FEELING, not just how they are doing. Ask not just how their baby is sleeping at night, but how do they feel they are doing emotionally.

This age is super fun as they are very engaging and they begin to belly laugh--which might be the best sound on earth. But all the laughter doesn't cover up postpartum depression or anxiety.
So don't be afraid to ask the questions. Parents are worth it.