You Deserve Your Vacations


Did you know doulas can travel with families? Many doulas can stay 24/7 with you while your baby is a few months old, meaning when you are ready to take a vacation, they can support you and baby while packing, traveling, setting up, and packing up again to head home. Another option is to find a doula in the area you are traveling--and we train doulas all over the country so we might even be able to help you find one.

If you have a travel doula, you will have more time to focus on enjoying the moments away, will get far more sleep, and also will know that someone well-trained and experienced will be at your right hand, available to help your baby manage all the challenges that travel brings.

If the summer is calling you but you think you can't because you have a new baby, consider bringing a travel doula along or setting one up where you are going. Remember doulas are there for you, so helping you have a relaxing and wonderful time is going to be their goal.