Quiet Alert States


When your baby is in the Quiet Alert state, they stare in your eyes. Their body is still; they take you in. Some moms say they are staring into their soul!

This is the time to tell your baby about your people, your family, your love for them--and also to be silly! You can make faces and have them mimic your expression. You can sing to them and they will watch every move your mouth makes, even if you are tone deaf. You can share these moments with visitors, but the baby prefers their own parent's faces.

If you have guests and your baby moves into Quiet Alert, excuse yourself for a minute and take your baby somewhere they can focus on you alone. It is such a short time frame, no one will miss you for 5 minutes.
Just don't let all the visitors take away the time where you get to be the only thing the baby looks at, where all of their focus is your face. Because those are the moments that parents love best with their not-yet-very-playful infant.

You are giving a gift to the world with your little one--make sure you get to enjoy the gifts they give you first.