Helping Hands Make Healing Food


I can still remember one bowl of fruit I cut up for a mom and served while she was resting in bed. She took it from me and said, "Is this for me?" almost in tears. She was so shocked to have been brought food she hadn't asked for or even thought about. As she gobbled it up, she said, "I didn't realize how hungry I was!" and then, "I forgot I had this in my fridge!"

I hear this all the time from moms. They don't prioritize feeding themselves until they are STARVING. And then they can't seem to eat enough with foods that are easily available.
Having a doula is different. Doulas know you probably will be hungry and they anticipate your needs. And they cut, slice and serve you don't have to think about it.

Others can do this for you as well, but you usually have to ask.