Don't Let Fear Ruin Joy


Many of my prenatal students tell me how scared they are about having their babies. I know it is scary to have your life turned upside down. BUT...remember when you first fell in love? Wasn't your life turned upside down?
Life with baby is like this. Factor in the joy when you are planning for your baby. You probably won't want to plan every second of your new parenting life (like "Let's remodel the house while I am on parental leave!").
There needs to be time just to stare at your baby. To look into their eyes and get them to smile back at you. To watch them sleep, and allow that peace to wash over you. To enjoy the moment they try to mimic your face. Just leave time open...because babies bring you JOY, and you need time to enjoy it!

It's not just about them being cute--although that is a powerful force! But it is also seeing them reflect their own personality, seeing your partner in their expression, seeing them discover something new that makes them smile or giggle. Having your life turned upside down for this is very, very worth it.