Cleaning Out The Clutter

Sometimes it is just plain HARD to admit you need help. But what we find with those who resist, is that sometimes anxieties can build up because things aren't getting done, parents are getting behind, and they can't seem to sleep enough to do things efficiently. Or they can't seem to get enough downtime to keep things (other than the baby) running along smoothly.

When anxieties build up a way out can be being willing to wave a tiny white flag and say, "We could use some assistance here." You don't have to admit that things are falling apart, but just that you need support with one aspect of things. Being willing to ask for one thing--like meal delivery or dishes, or laundry--can make a huge difference for you family as you adjust to newborn life. Not just because it is getting done, but because now there is so much less ANXIETY about it not getting done.

Doulas aren't the solutions for all of this, but they can be a key player to help eliminate the things that get in the way of enjoying your new baby. Having helpers you can give over non-personal jobs to (or at least all the things that don't require your personal touch to get done adequately) can make a tough adjustment seem smoother.

Many of our families say, "Things seem so easy while you are here with us." Yes! This is our job. To make things seem easy because we are doing the behind the scenes work that can make or break your time with baby.
Call a doula (or ask your friends and family to be your doulas!). They can stay on top of the things that would cause anxiety if not done, but won't interfere with the extra special time you get to connect to your new baby.