Bakers beware...

I just heard a story from a client that I thought was one of those "learn from my mistakes" moments. Had to share, if only it will save you some work.Evidently last week I baked some cinnamon rolls for a client, and unbeknownst to me, it ran over onto the oven bottom. Since I didn't discover this, my clients went to bake the next day and found their house filled with smoke pouring from the spill. They had to EVACUATE THE HOUSE FOR 4 HOURS TO GET RID OF THE SMELL.

Bad does not describe how I feel for this poor mama having to take her twins (!) out of her safe zone for so many hours so they could clear the house. And then she had to clean the oven! Yes, remuneration will be made, but it occurs to me that had I only put a baking sheet under the rolls, we would have been fine. A little extra to clean, but nothing like the disaster I created trying to "treat" the family to fresh baked goods. So as we enter this fun baking season of potential gooey sweet things, keep my disaster in mind and use that brilliant problem solver; the extra baking sheet underneath. What are my mistakes for but for you to learn from them?

Newborn Newsmark bepler